★ 美國權威雜誌 Stereophile 編輯群們最重要工具之一,兼俱器材測試與音樂聆賞功能。
★ 1995 年 Stereophile 錄音力作,收錄各種音響測試項目與悅耳動聽的多樣性曲目。
★ 標準發燒友的基本配備,善用本片讓您的音響系統表現日益精進!
舉凡由音響系統中所有會令您感到懷疑、困惑的疑難雜症,Stereophile 雜誌發行的 Test CD3 必定會成為您排出種種疑惑的最佳工具。從簡單的聲道辯識,到測試喇叭及房間之訊號、測試擴大機及 CD 唱盤訊號等;再由收錄的多首精彩音樂曲目,再到一般相關音響指導....等,全長超過七十六分鐘的 Stereophile Test CD3 必將是所有發燒友、或音樂好者不可或缺的音響系統輔助參考與測試軟體。
Stereophile Test CD 3 STPH006-2
Total Playing Time: 76:08
[1] Home Theater & Stereo Channel Identification 2:05
(Left, Right, Center, Subwoofer, Surround)
[2] Stereo Channel Phasing 0:34
(Stereo channels in-phase, out-of-phase)
[3] Empire Brass Quintet: "Sibley Sanctus Lydian" 3:59
(from Passage 138 B.C.- A.D.1611, Telarc CD-80355, Surround-encoded)
[4] Dick Hyman: "Topsy" (HDCD-encoded) 6:11
(from From the Age of Swing, Reference Recordings RR-59CD)
[5] Sara K.: "History Repeats Itself" 5:54
(from Play on Words, Chesky Records JD105)
[6] Jimmy Rogers: "Blue Bird" 4:44
(from Blue Bird, Analogue Productions (APO 2001)
[7] Doug MacLeod: "Rollin' & Tumblin'" 3:10
(from Come to Find, AudioQuest Music AQ-CD1027)
[8] Airto Moreira and the Gods of Jazz: "Nevermind" 7:43
(from Killer Bees, B&W Music BW041)
[9] Dean Peer: "Lord's Tundra" 3:38
(from Ucross, Redstone RR91012)
[10] Soundstage Maps & Microphone Techniques 6:08
(2 omnis, 3 omnis, ORTF cardioids, "shuffled" ORTF cardioids, Schoeps SFM6)
[11] Robert Whyte: "Christe qui lux es et dies" (excerpt) 1:56
(miking examples)
[12] Robert Whyte: "Christe qui lux es et dies" 4:56
(Performed by Halcyon, complete performance)
[13] Frederic Chopin: Waltz in c-sharp, Op.64 No.2 4:20
(Performed by Robert Silverman, from Concert, Stereophile STPH005-2)
[14] Frederic Chopin: Waltz in c-sharp, Op.64 No.2 4:20
(Truncated to 15 bits; encoded via PASC, encoded via DTS Zeta)
[15] 1992 Montreal Formula One Grand Prix 2:51
(Recorded binaurally)
Signals for testing loudspeakers and rooms:
[16] Chromatic scale (left channel, then right channel) 1:38
[17] Bass Decade 1/3-octave warble tones at -20dBFS 2:47
[18] Midrange Decade 1/3-octave warble tones at -20dBFS 2:32
[19] Treble Decade 1/3-octave warble tones at -20dBFS 2:32
[20] Stereophile's Special Burn-In Noise 2:15
Warning: Some of the next tracks are recorded at a very high level and must not be played at high volumes if loudspeaker damage is to be avoided
Signals for testing electronic components, amplifiers,& CD players:
[21] Home Theater reference & demagnetizing tone 0:24
(1kHz at -20dBFS, decaying to silence)
[22] 1kHz Squarewave at -12dBFS 0:15
[23] Multi-tone signal, octave spacing 0:15
[24] Multi-tone signal, 1kHz spacing 0:15
[25] Multi-tone signal, 500Hz spacing 0:15
[26] Multi-tone signal, 500Hz spacing with gaps 0:15
[27] 1kHz sinewave (dithered) at -90.31dBFS 0:20