★ 頹廢搖滾宗師伊吉帕普所率領的「丑角合唱團」撼動樂壇,引領風潮之處女作!
★ AMG雜誌四星半高度評價,開創龐克風潮天團巨作!
1968年,因The Doors而聲名大噪唱片公司Elektra為丑角合唱團發行了同名專輯,收錄的8首曲子中,由《1969》劃開序幕,帶動了重金屬音樂的起動,《I Wanna Be Your Dog》為電吉他、新迷幻、另類、頹廢寫下典範;《We Will Fall》隱含著迷幻、宗教、環境與實驗的重大精神,首張專輯就展現出無比的實驗精神,至今聽來仍不過時。遊走復古與新潮之間,秉持前衛龐克的精神,在那個還沒有龐克的年代,做了最頹廢的示範。
1. 1969 2. I Wanna Be Your dog 3. We Will Fall 4. No Fun 5. Real Cool Time 6. Ann 7. Not Right 8. Little Doll
Led by the one and only Iggy Pop, rock ‘n’ roll’s original untamed boy, the Stooges erupted from Detroit like a napalm firestorm whose earthshaking repercussions are still being felt today. The Stooges debut release was produced by John Cale of the Velvet Underground and was a major influence on the punk rock movement that was still several years away.
產品上架時間 2010 十二月 15 週三.
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