史特拉汶斯基在 1910 年完成芭蕾音樂《火鳥》後,腦海中浮現《春之祭》少女跳舞至死、當成犧牲品獻給春之神的意象,於是與俄羅斯芭蕾舞團合作將它編成舞劇,其中衝撞不和諧的和弦、調性和節奏,在首演時引起軒然大波,但很快便成為史特拉汶斯基最重要的代表性作品。
Side A
1.First Part: L'Adoration De La Terre
Side B
1.Second Part: Le Sacrifice
Kenneth Wilkinson 於麥地那神廟錄音
To be sure: no other 20th-century ballet music has ever created such a commotion as this ancient rite of spring: it began with a turmoil which developed into a full-scale brawl at the premiere performance in the concert hall, was sung hymns of praise and suffered devastating reviews by critics who tore the work apart, and led up to the musico-philosophical libel written in the Fifties by that self-acclaimed “chief enemy” of Stravinsky, W. A. Adorno.
This thrilling, epoch-making masterpiece remains fascinating to this very day thanks to its bloodcurdling rhythms, its secretive, intertwined melodies, and the boiling, seething, and lashing of the titanic instrumental forces. And Sir Georg Solti and his phenomenal orchestra certainly ensure that all this is brought over to the listener. The notes of the lyrical passages simply fly out of the loudspeakers with the lightness and airyness to which one is accustomed with DECCA recordings from this era. But one can still be astounded by this audiophile work of art: such a gentle, voluminous, lashing and pounding sound-storm is only normally heard live in the concert hall. And precisely because this recording sounds so marvellous, it tops the vinyl charts in the American specialist magazine The Absolute Sound.
Recording: May 1974 at Medinah Temple, Chicago (USA) by Kenneth Wilkinson and James Lock / Production: Ray Minshull