☆ 作曲家葛瑞納多斯1913年親自錄音之音樂寶藏,以 The Welte-Mignon紙捲鋼琴記憶、史坦威 D 型平台鋼琴再生。 ☆ 最遙遠的錄音,在最先進的時代中,以全類比 AAA 方式灌錄之精品
This is not an historical recording. Yet mysteriously the music is performed in an interpretation which is historically authentic down to the last detail. The key to this mystery is: the original performer was present at the recent recording session, but not physically: the music is heard on a modern Steinway. Never has music stored in the Welte-Mignon system sounded so "right" or so well. Thanks to TACET's much-praised recording tproduction mechanism have now been newly adjusted for the first time by the leading expert in the field - and are thus able to meet TACET's requirements. (Welte-Mignon was invented in 1904.) The Welte-Mignon mystery can now speak to us without distortion.echnique, and because the Welte-Mignon memory system and sound
產品上架時間 2005 七月 28 週四.
版權所有 2004 Joy Audio 發燒片專門店台北市中華路 2 段 75 巷 6 號 ( 近中華路、和平西路口 ) 電話:( 02 ) 2311-9566 / 0932-217-017 No. 6, Lane 75, Sec. 2, Zhonghua Rd., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel : 886-2-2311-9566 E-mail:joyaudio@joyaudio.com.tw 營業時間: 星期二~星期六早上 9:30 到晚上 7 點   週日、週一公休