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您現在的位置 » 首頁 » CD » Reference Recordings » FR-755
韓德爾:神劇「耶弗他」( 兩片裝 CD )<br>巴洛克音樂樂團<br>George Frideric Handel: Jephtha<br>Music of the Baroque Chorus and Orchestra, Dame Jane Glover<br>FR755
商品名稱:韓德爾:神劇「耶弗他」( 兩片裝 CD )
George Frideric Handel: Jephtha
Music of the Baroque Chorus and Orchestra, Dame Jane Glover

價格:NT$ 780
貨號: FR-755
出貨時程: 2-3 天

★   巴洛克大師韓德爾最後傑作,收錄多首經典詠嘆調!

★   國際知名巴洛克音樂專家精心演繹,全曲完整收錄!

★   多次葛萊美獎獲獎團隊擔綱製作、錄音、母帶處理,再現如真的現場活生感受,氣勢磅礡!

神劇「耶弗他」首演於1751年,創作時韓德爾已深受眼疾之苦,之後視力喪失他便不再創作,是故此劇成為他生平最後的神劇作品。整齣劇作充滿流暢的旋律與優美的合唱,其中第三幕的〈Waft her, angels, through the skies〉更被譽為韓德爾畢生寫過最美的旋律。基地位於芝加哥的巴洛克音樂樂團創立至今超過半世紀,致力演出十七、十八世紀音樂作品,是與芝加哥交響樂團齊名的頂尖樂團。這份錄音於 2022 年九月採現場錄音方式錄製,由 Christopher Willis 擔綱錄音,完美重現管弦樂與人聲的美感!


George Frideric Handel: Jephtha, HWV 70

1. overture

2. It must be so

3. Pour forth no more

4. No more to Ammon's god and king

5. But Jephtha comes, kind heaven

6. Virtue my soul shall stil embrace

7. 'Twill be a painful separation

8. In gentle murmurs will I mourn

9. Happy this embassy

10. Dull delay in piercing anguish

11. Ill suits the voice of love

12. Take the heard you fondly gave

13. I go, my soul

14. These labours past

15. What mean these doubtful fancies

16. If Lord, sustained

17. Tis said, Attend ye Chiefs

18. O God behold our sore distress

19. Some dire event hangs o'er our heads

20. Scenes of horror

21. Say, my dear mother

22. The smiling dawn of happy days

23. Such, Jephtha, was the haughty king's reply

24. When his loud voice in thunder spake

25. Glad tidings of great joy

26. - 27. Up the dreadful steep ascending

28. 'Tis well, haste, haste, ye maidens

29. Tune the soft melodious lute

30. Again Heaven smiles

31. Freedom now once more

32. - 33. His mighty arm

34. In glory high

35. - 36. Hail, glorious conqueror

37. Welcome as the cheerful light

38. Welcome though, whose deeds

39. Horror! Confusion!

40. Open thy marble jaws

41. Why is my brother thus afflicted?

42. First perish though

43. If such thy cruel purpose

44. On me let blind mistaken zeal

45. O spare your daughter

46. Such news flies swift

47. For joys so vast

48. Happy they

49. Deeper and deeper still

50. How dark, O Lord, are thy decrees!

51. Hide thou thy hated beams

52. A father, off ring up his only child

53. Waft her, angels, through the skies

54. Ye sacred priests

55. Farewell, ye limpid springs and floods

56. Doubtful fear and reverent awe

57. - 58. Rise, Jephtha, and ye reverend priests

59. Happy, Iphis, shalt thou live

60. For ever blessed be thy holy name

61. Theme sublime of endless praise

62. Let me congratulate

63. Laud her, all ye virgin train

64. O let me fold thee

65. - 66. With transport, Iphis

67. - 68. My faithful Hamor

69. - 70. All that is in Hamor mine

產品上架時間 2024 十月 11 週五.

客戶群組 : Guest
含稅價格 : 所有價格含稅

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Quentin Collins All Star Quintet: A Day in the Life
NT$ 780 NT$ 750

版權所有 2004 Joy Audio 發燒片專門店
台北市中華路 2 段 75 巷 6 號 ( 近中華路、和平西路口 ) 電話:( 02 ) 2311-9566 / 0932-217-017
No. 6, Lane 75, Sec. 2, Zhonghua Rd., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel : 886-2-2311-9566
營業時間: 星期二~星期六早上 9:30 到晚上 7 點   週日、週一公休

史黛西‧肯特:隔壁的男孩(180克 2 LPs)