★ 加拿大迷幻搖滾名團始於2010年的精心力作,與中國歌手左小祖咒合作之跨國性音樂計畫。
★ 融入遊走世界各地的感懷胸襟,系列專輯5CD完整呈現,21世紀搖滾樂迷必備的珍藏!
★ 極少量進口,售完為止。
擁有一位令人一聽難忘的美聲女主唱Margo Timmins、以及把藍調、鄉村、民搖、搖滾和爵士等多種樂風都玩得爐火純青、創造出獨特鮮明夢幻氛圍的「煙槍牛仔」,是90年代加拿大少數打進美國主流市場的迷幻搖滾代表;21世紀以降,他們離開主流唱片公司追求獨立的音樂夢想,並發起「遊牧民族」計畫,遊走世界各地體驗風土人情,轉化為創作動力,以更為成熟、圓潤的風格演唱,並融入各種民族音樂元素和各地的傳統樂器,展現更開闊的世界觀,絕對是樂迷必備的極品!
Disc: 1
1. Intro
2. Renmin Park
3. Sir Francis Bacon At The Net
4. Stranger Here
5. A Few Bags Of Grain
6. I Cannot Sit Sadly By Your Side
7. (You've Got To Get) A Good Heart
8. Cicadas
9. Interlude
10. My Fall
11. Little Dark Heart
12. A Walk in the Park
13. Renmin Park (Revisited)
14. Coda
Disc: 2
1. Wrong Piano
2. Flirted With You All My Life
3. See You Around
4. Betty Lonely
5. Square Room
6. Ladle
7. Supernatural
8. West of Rome
9. Strange Language
10. We Hovered With Short Wings
11. When The Bottom Fell Out
Disc: 3
1. Continental Drift
2. It's Heavy Down Here
3. 3rd Crusade
4. Late Night Radio
5. Sing In My Meadow
6. Hunted
7. A Bride's Price
8. I Move On
Disc: 4
1. Unanswered Letter
2. Idle Tales
3. We Are The Selfish Ones
4. Angels In The Wilderness
5. Damaged From The Start
6. Fairytale
7. Staring Man
8. The Confession of Georgie E
9. I Let Him In
10. Fuck, I Hate The Cold
Disc: 5
1. My Boy Burns
2. Girl Behind The Man Behind The Gun
3. Old Hotel
4. Marathon
5. Punching Holes Through
6. Sad Peter Pan
7. Demons
8. Guilt By Association
9. Forthright
10. Stay Inside