★Mo-Fi 半速重刻,原專輯清晰的音質更為透明。
有「喜劇皇后」美稱的貝蒂.米勒,長期成功跨足流行樂、百老匯與賭城秀場,是樂壇少見的全方位女歌手。這張 1972 年的處女作,雖然翻唱木匠兄妹等人的經典曲目,但貝蒂以女性的溫柔以及充滿磁力的嗓音為舊曲注入新生命,聽者無不為之感動,因此這張專輯為她拿下第一座葛萊美獎。清晰無暇的錄音,更讓這張專輯深受發燒友的喜愛。
Bette Midler's sparkling, energy-pulsing 1972 debut features the singer honing her trademark brassy personality as well as showing off an intimate, raw edge that fell by the wayside later in her career. Witness her forlorn, melancholic and heartbroken moods, all conveyed with supreme emotion on several riveting ballads. But this LP is no downer. Midler offsets any bleakness with playfully campy songs laced with unadulterated enthusiasm and joyous defiance. This is a diva lover's delight. The music is astonishingly alive. A superstar is born!
Side One:
1. Do You Want to Dance? 2. Chapel of Love 3. Superstar 4. Daytime Hustler 5. Am I Blue
Side Two: 1. Friends 2. Hello In There 3. Leader of the Pack 4. Delta Dawn 5. Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy 6. Friends
產品上架時間 2011 十月 10 週一.
版權所有 2004 Joy Audio 發燒片專門店台北市中華路 2 段 75 巷 6 號 ( 近中華路、和平西路口 ) 電話:( 02 ) 2311-9566 / 0932-217-017 No. 6, Lane 75, Sec. 2, Zhonghua Rd., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel : 886-2-2311-9566 E-mail:joyaudio@joyaudio.com.tw 營業時間: 星期二~星期六早上 9:30 到晚上 7 點   週日、週一公休