★ 全球逾一億七千萬張銷量肯定,史上贏得最多座葛萊美獎的正宗天團U2經典之作!
★ AMG全音音樂網站★★★★四星高度推薦,樂迷不可錯過!
1984年初U2決心進軍美國,因此發表一則重大消息,宣佈實驗派音學大師Brian Eno及其默契拍檔Daniel Lanois將為他們製作第四張專輯「難忘之火」。這張專輯選擇在都柏林附近的Slane古堡的洞穴型交誼廳裡完成錄音工作,並一舉拿下英國金榜冠軍!「難忘之火」標示著U2永不妥協的硬頸搖滾精神,更貢獻出令人一新耳目且富涵想像畫面的U2之音,雖然實驗性極強,但仍在英美兩地暢行通吃。多年後的今天,由U2點燃的難忘之火燒灼得更為炙熱,也為灰暗世道點亮了不滅的希望之火。
1. A Sort of Homecoming
2. Pride (In The Name Of Love)
3. Wire
4. The Unforgettable Fire
5. Promenade
6. 4th of July
7. Bad
8. Indian Summer Sky
9. Elvis Presley and America
10. MLK
In many ways, U2 took their fondness for sonic bombast as far as it could go on War, so it isn't a complete surprise that they chose to explore the intricacies of the Edge's layered, effects-laden guitar on the follow-up, The Unforgettable Fire. Working with producers Brian Eno and Daniel Lanois, U2 created a dark, near-hallucinatory series of interlocking soundscapes that are occasionally punctuated by recognizable songs and melodies.