★ The Pat Metheny Group連續七張專輯贏得連續七座葛萊美獎,為樂壇創下史無前例的驚人紀錄!
★ 北美地區實力最堅強、最受聽眾歡迎的吉他三重奏,三大龍頭首次錄音室作品,無論技巧、默契與即興創意,都是當今五星水準!
★ 流暢的編曲,輕盈跳動的節奏,令人放鬆慵懶的旋律,忠實樂迷值得細細品嚐的傑作。
傳奇爵士吉他手Pat Metheny、貝斯手Christian McBride、鼓手Antonio Sanchez等音樂界三大龍頭首次進錄音室激出的鉅作《Day Trip》,單純概念為曲風,僅花了一天就錄製完成;後來Pat Metheny三重奏巡迴日本後又發行了一張現場錄音的EP《Tokyo Day Trip》。前張專輯的製作概念是單純的,盡量捕捉Pat Metheny出神入化的演奏實力,讓Q聲的吉他聲響和慧黠的即興樂句打動樂迷的心房。後者則以細膩的音色與心情故事的鋪陳。豐富的吉他音色,即興演奏又是那麼巧妙、流暢、言之有物,銘心絕品而當之無愧。
1. Son of Thirteen
2. At Last You're Here
3. Let's Move
4. Snova
5. Calvin's Keys
6. Is This America?
7. When We Were Free
8. Dreaming Trees
9. The Red One
10. Day Trip
11. Tromsø
12. Traveling Fast
13. Inori
14. Back Arm & Blackcharge
15. The Night Becomes You
"The Pat Metheny Trio's playing conveys a sense of proportion, substance and coherence, along with rigorous clarity; solid benchmarks for any great improvisers at the peak of their game." - The New York Times
The Day Trip sessions were recorded at Manhattan's Right Track studio in late October 2005, sequenced and released into a 10-song set in the winter of 2008. Reviews from the daily US press along the way have been a compendium of superlatives. The Philadelphia Inquirer declared, "Metheny shows why the trio is still relevant...There's nowhere to hide, and the easy fluency of Metheny's chops create a unique world. His energy and verve make it fun to follow where he goes." The Boston Herald concurred: "The trio format brings out the best in guitar virtuoso Pat Metheny, going all the way back to his stir-causing 1975 debut with drummer Bob Moses and late bass legend Jaco Pastorius...But his current ensemble...is arguably his best yet." And The Louisville Courier Journal summed up the nightly reaction to the trio's sets, "it was a collaborative tour de force that earned a standing ovation."