★1974年與Kevin Ayers、Brian Eno、John Cale集體完成《終曲》,翻作The Doors(Jim Morrison)同名之作《The End》為訴求。
★The Velvet Underground經典「香蕉」封面女主唱,探索無調性音樂風格卓然出眾且自成一格。
人稱「致命女」、「毒蟲之后」的Nico,17歲已是德國首席名模。1960年跨足影壇在費里尼經典名片《甜蜜生活》中客串演出。1962年和亞蘭.德倫未婚生子。很快的也和樂壇的滾石、巴布.狄倫等名流成為合作夥伴或玩伴。透過狄倫的介紹,她成為安迪.沃荷最鍾愛的女人,安插她成為Velvet Underground的客串主唱,留下了經典的香蕉專輯。James Young是在1982年義大利巡迴開始成為Nico固定的伴奏樂手,1993年出版的《The End》以灰暗、苦澀又不失幽默的手法,對Nico最後七年生活的紀實。
1. It Has Not Taken Long
2. Secret Side
3. You Forget To Answer
4. Innocent And Vain
5. Valley Of The Kings
6. We've Got The Gold
7. The End
8. Das Lied Der Deutschen
Originally released in 1974 and produced by John Cale, The End found Nico caught in a dark no-man's land inhabited by ghosts of her past, the late Jim Morrison on "You Forgot To Answer" and her cover of the Doors' "The End," her teenage rapist on "Secret Side" and her homeland on the controversial rendering of the German national anthem "Das Lied Der Deutschen." Cale, Eno and Manzarek all play on the album and the result is a kind of pre-goth dance of the dead.