☆ 精選 Delos 唱片旗下最精彩的 15 首古典樂曲,以精湛的發燒錄音呈現出悠揚動聽的樂章!
☆ Delos 鋼琴首席卡洛.羅森貝格、小提琴家 Elmar Oliveira、吉他演奏家 Angel Romero、長笛家 Eugenia Zukerman、莫斯科室內樂團以及洛杉磯室內樂團等全球頂尖藝人與樂團擔綱演出!
莫札特的「嬉遊曲」、「小夜曲」以及「第21號鋼琴協奏曲」、帕海貝爾的「卡農」、韋瓦第的「四季」、貝多芬的「給愛麗絲」、布拉姆斯的「搖籃曲」、巴哈的「G弦之歌」...等15首最膾炙人口也最悅耳動聽的古典曲目一次收錄在這張「寶貝最愛音樂」中所有曲目選自以發燒錄音聞名的Delos唱片,演奏家包括Delos鋼琴首席卡洛.羅森貝格、小提琴家Elmar Oliveira、吉他演奏家Angel Romero、長笛家Eugenia Zukerman、莫斯科室內樂團以及洛杉磯室內樂團等全球頂尖藝人與樂團,不但是小寶貝的最愛,也是最適合全家共同聆賞的悠揚樂章。
1. Divertimento for String Quartet in D major, K 136 (125a): Andante
2. Canon and Gigue for 3 Violins and Basso Continuo in D major: Canon
3. Concerto for Violin in E major, Op. 8 no 1/RV 269 "Primavera": 1st movement, Allegro
4. Bagatelle for Piano in A minor, WoO 59 "Für Elise"
5. Kinderszenen, Op. 15: no 1, Von fremden Ländern und Menschen
6. Serenade no 13 in G major, K 525 "Eine kleine Nachtmusik": 2nd movement, Romanza
7. Concerto for Piano no 21 in C major, K 467: 2nd movement, Andante
8. Berceuse for Piano in D flat major, B 154/Op. 57
9. Songs (5), Op. 49: no 4, Wiegenlied
10. Songs (4), Op. 43: no 2, Die Mainacht
11. Suite for Orchestra no 3 in D major, BWV 1068: Air
12. Water Music Suite no 1 in F major, HWV 348: no 3, Allegro deciso
13. La Paloma
14. Partita for Lute in C minor, BWV 997: 2nd movement, Fugue
15. Symphony no 1 in C major, Op. 21: 2nd movement, Andante cantabile